Centrifuge Parachain Launch Process Update

Update 20.04.2022:

Enable Crowdloan Claiming: Voting period of 24h with Crowdloan claim functionality
Update : The vote is live in a democracy now: Please cast your vote [here] while the voting period is open.
The voting period ~24h.
Best regards.

I suppose by finalization of the point 5, validators on Centrifuge stand alone chain are obsolete and can be shut down?

Referendum #1 successfully passed (SuperMajority):
Proposed Hash - 0xb0c1d324ccee9d4edad447e7bb3ce4e5ccace72ecab7390b5fa9e0548488017e
Aye: 984,588.99 CFG
Nay: 24,515.99 CFG
Subscan | Aggregate Substrate ecological network High-precision Web3 explorer
Now we are waiting for the upgrade to be executed.

After this step, we will initialize the crowdloan pallets and enable claiming on the website.

The Runtime Upgrade was executed correctly and the Crowdloan Pallets have been initialized.

Claiming is available Centrifuge Parachain Crowdloan | Centrifuge: Real World DeFi

Happy claiming!

good, I contributed through Parallel, from the parallel account they paid me everything, from the Centrifuge.io PAGE, nothing appears, the polka.js is well configured as it says right here.
I have the same problem ( I think we are 2 left ) in the contribution of ksm — Air .
I hope we can solve it since I have been waiting for the previous issue for months. Thank you

Good day
Parallel Finance, Bifrost, EQ contributors can not claim rewards due to an issue. Our Devs are already aware of this problem and soon they will release the fix.
Sorry for the trouble and thank you for understanding.

Thanks everyone for your patience, we expect the fix to allow Parallel, Bifrost, and EQ users to claim to go live soon.


Thanks for the detailed explanation of the process and the cause of the issue. Everyone who is in the space should know, that these kind of hickups can happen. Especially when the technology is brandnew. Let’s consider this whole process as an experiment and learning phase for the next crowdloan(s) where everything runs smooth

:cyclone:Good day Centrifuge Community :cyclone:
We are happy to announce that issue with claiming CFG rewards for Parallel Finance, Bifrost and Equilibrium was fixed! Contributors via these mediums can claim their rewards.

Claiming page: Centrifuge Parachain Crowdloan | Centrifuge: Real World DeFi
