Centrifuge - Open HRMP channels to support USDT, Axelar USDC, aUSD

:raising_hand_man: :gear: :inbox_tray: :outbox_tray:
Hello Community :raised_hand:,

The Centrifuge Council just initiated Council Motion 37: Accept the Moonbeam and Statemint’s HRMP open channel request to Centrifuge.

You can find more information here: Council Motion 37: Accept the Moonbeam and Statemint’s HRMP open channel request to Centrifuge.

Hey all :wave:

The Polkadot referendum 74 aiming to open hrmp channels with Centrifuge amongst other parachains has failed. Quoting Joe from Web3 on the reason, in short:

The initial fix to prevent an exploit required that batched calls come either from a Signed or Root origin. A message from a parachain has neither. So, when Statemint sends a message to the Relay Chain to accept the five open channel requests, it will not be authorized to make a batched call.

The Centrifuge referendum 19 aiming to accept Statemint’s and Moonbeam’s hrmp openChannel requests will still succeed in accepting Moonbeam’s request but it will fail for Statemint’s since the latter has not been submitted successfully.

Moving forward, we hope to soon see the re-submitted, corrected motion from Polkadot. Afterwards, we will also have to open up a new motion accepting Statemint’s request.

Will keep everyone posted :surfing_man:


Good day Nuno
Thank you for keeping the Community always updated! :partying_face: :top:

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