In the last couple of weeks we’ve put out a call for the community discuss how to improve the way LPs are rewarded. We’ve had the first discussion on our discord channel #wg-cfg-rewards and I wanted to present the first set of ideas that have been discussed for broader feedback.
Contributors: @Tjure07, @Ash, @lucasvo, @zaatar, @omegafattyasses
What’s the goal of our LP rewards?
Centrifuge is a decentralized network that requires stakeholders to hold CFG and use it to participate in the network by voting, staking & performing other work. To seed this community of token holders the protocol mints rewards to early users to give them tokens for them to use and become long term incentivized token holders.
Below are a few updates to the CFG Rewards program that the community has discussed in an effort to overhaul the rewards in the coming weeks. We’d love to hear what you think about these ideas and would like to have an open discussion before starting to poll for these proposals.
Note: the numbers below are using a price of $1.5 per CFG, the 30 day TWAP is currently $1.60.
Discussed changes
The rewards working group discussed 3 topics around the Centrifuge rewards program:
- External protocol rewards for users who interact with Centrifuge indirectly for example through providing liquidity in an Aave Market that has Centrifuge collateral
- Different reward rates for TIN/DROP: TIN token holders have a significantly more involved role in the network, they take first loss of pools and have to perform a lot of work underwriting.
- Lockup incentive: The goal of the program is to reward long term involvement in the network. Should we encourage users who intend to hold CFG and stay involved longer.
External Protocol Rewards: Aave
With the integration of Aave being close to launch we should start discussing how the community wants to award users of Tinlake Pools via external protocols. Given how different all DeFi protocols are it’s best to look at them case by case. Below we are proposing a reward framework for Aave markets that accept Tinlake LP tokens as collateral.
The Aave protocol allows issuers such as RWAMarket to create a pool of pools. Tinlake LP tokens (TIN or DROP) can be used to borrow a stablecoin from the market giving the issuers of the Tinlake pool additional liquidity to borrow from.
Aave has been very successful at launching new markets (e.g. the Polygon and Avalanche Markets) with a liquidity rewards program. We believe it’s a good idea to reward early liquidity providers in the market. Having significant liquidity early on is important in ensuring the protocol functions well from the start.
How the Aave Protocol Distributes Rewards
The Aave protocol distributes rewards very differently from how the Tinlake rewards are built. Aave rewards are fixed and split proportionally between all liquidity providers in a market. This means if the liquidity in the market doubles, the rewards per $ in provided liquidity will get cut in half. Rewards are allocated over a timeframe and are distributed on an ongoing basis. This means when planning Aave rewards the community needs to decide on a timeframe upfront, make an assumption of how big the market will grow and allocate rewards accordingly.
For the initial launch of RWA markets in Aave, we propose to decide on an allocation for 3mo. That will give the community time to evaluate how the program is going and adjust them based on these learnings.
Aave Rewards Launch Proposal
Target Market Size
An important aspect of the rewards is the target size. We believe a significant amount of liquidity for Centrifuge pools can come from Aave. Looking at capital demand in the next three months we believe the market can and should reasonably grow to USDC 50M in size.
For that reason the below proposal for rewards models them out at $50M in market size.
Target Reward
Looking at early rewards programs a target reward rate that would be an equivalent of 10% return in rewards seems competitive and would adequately reward early Aave users to provide liquidity in the new market.
When we model this at different sizes the rewards return looks as follows (based on a price of $1.50 per CFG):
Proposed parameters for the Aave Centrifuge Markets launch
Mint CFG 833,333 for the first 90 days of the protocol launch and deposit these into the Aave Rewards Distributor Contract.
Distribute 9250 CFG per day as rewards across all AAVE Centrifuge markets.
With this proposal we would see an additional issuance of 0.76% of the current total supply for Aave Protocol rewards.
External Protocol Rewards: MakerDAO
While MakerDAO’s strategy for RWAs is still under discussions within MakerDAO, discussing a framework for CFG rewards is tough. We currently don’t know what direction the community wants to go and how arrangers fit into this. With this uncertainty it’s probably better to hold off and decide on a framework once this is more clear. In the long run we should address this topic and also make sure to refer back to the conversation started in the forum by Paper.
Originator Rewards, TIN & DROP Rewards
Currently AO rewards are 1/4th of TIN & DROP rewards which means they are still rather high and it often leads to AOs receiving rewards both for providing liquidity in the junior tranche as well as for the loans they originate. Rewards for investment in the junior tranche should outweigh rewards for asset origination, therefore further reduction of AO rewards could be considered. An increase in TIN rewards means that rewards for AOs that provide their own TIN are not changing significantly and instead we encourage additional junior tranche investment by AOs as well.
Lockup Incentive
While the network is still at an early stage we want to incentivize long term holding of CFG. This could be done by giving users an option to lockup their rewards in exchange for a higher reward rate. Due to technical complexity the implementation of this will take some time.
The current implementation for claiming rewards can be modified to add a second extrinsic that allows a user to claim locked tokens instead of unlocked ones. When using this extrinsic users would get an extra bonus on top but can only receive tokens after a minimum time delay. To keep the lockup mechanism as simple as possible the claims module should only offer two options: unlocked rewards or locked rewards. The option to vary rewards depending on time will push the technical complexity beyond what can quickly be implemented in the near future.
Due to the timeline for this, we do not propose to agree on any parameters as of now and wait until the technical work is closer to completion before doing so. But if the community supports this proposal development of this can probably be accelerated.