We were not aware of them until last month. At which point you stated you thought the community would not be opposed to the idea.
Your protocol has no way to create new tokens? I see a proposal right now to mint more tokens. Also note that we are not seeking a technical solution at this time.
We are a DAO. I am, however, here on behalf of some very large MKR holders (more than enough to pass an executive) who feel Maker is being treated unfairly. I think a commitment to the principle of Maker being treated equally with all other DROP investors would smooth a lot of increasingly ruffled feathers.
Maker has an inherently higher risk in providing the most liquidity to Centrifuge. Also, our liquidity is structured that we cannot quickly exit, and our involvement ensures that other DROP investors can quickly redeem. Maker is bearing more risk than a typical DROP investor.
I suppose the main question that is increasingly being asked is why Maker would be literally the only party on Tinlake to be excluded? That seems like a very poor way to treat your most important business partner, and why it’s a bit confusing to see so much pushback on what we assumed as simply an oversight.