Running my Own Mainnet Node using Docker

Hello there !

Does anyone else Run his/her Own Mainnet Node using Docker ?

With the docker command specified in the documentation (3.c) for the mainnet :

docker run -p 30333:30333 -p 9933:9933 -p 9944:9944 --rm -it centrifugeio/centrifuge-chain:20201022093419-da56ac5 centrifuge-chain --validator --name=“{name}” --node-key={node-key} --chain=mainnet --bootnodes=/ip4/ --bootnodes=/ip4/

If your VPS reboot, or your container (your node centrifuge) exit for any reason, the container and the volume linked to it are removed… so you loose all the database… :sob:

That’s why I would like to share with you what I’ve done on my own, making possible to stop and start your container without stress. Feel free to give me some feedback !

First of all you need to create a docker volume bind to a local folder of your Vps:

docker volume create --name {VOLUME_NAME} --opt type=none --opt device={PATH_TO_LOCAL_FOLDER} --opt o=bind

Where for example:

{VOLUME_NAME} = my-awesome-centrinode-001

{PATH_TO_LOCAL_FOLDER} = ~/docker-volumes/centrifuge-chain/my-awesome-centrinode-001

You need to create folders using mkdir

Then change a bit the docker run command like this :

Here is the edited full command :

docker run --restart=always -p 30333:30333 -p 9933:9933 -p 9944:9944 -v {VOLUME_NAME}:/data -it centrifugeio/centrifuge-chain:20201022093419-da56ac5 centrifuge-chain --validator --name=“{name}” --node-key={node-key} --chain=mainnet --bootnodes=/ip4/ --bootnodes=/ip4/

Now if my Vps reboot, my Centrifuge Node will restart automatically in state ! \o/

This done, I still have an error message when I’m doing the last point of the documentation (4.) :

curl -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ --data ‘{ “jsonrpc”:“2.0”, “method”:“author_rotateKeys”, “id”: 1 }’

This command should return the public keys under the “result” field starting with `0x…

Instead the command returns : curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
Does anyone have this problem too ? In parallel I’m waiting for an answer on Slack.

Thank you for reading, have a good day !


I also got problems with the last step, I dont get any public keys back.

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this answer was on slack general channel !
You need to --rpc-methods=Unsafe AND --rpc-external in the docker run command !

Here is the new complete command that fix the problem of the last step !

docker run -p 30333:30333 -p 9933:9933 -p 9944:9944 --rm -it centrifugeio/centrifuge-chain:20201022093419-da56ac5 centrifuge-chain --rpc-methods=Unsafe --rpc-external --validator --name=“{name}” --node-key={node-key} --chain=mainnet --bootnodes=/ip4/ --bootnodes=/ip4/

Tell me if that fix yours too !

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Hello ZDK,

It’s working well ;), thank you !

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thx, I will try it tonight :slight_smile:

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Thanks for this. I’m going to look at setting this up tomorrow morning - i’ll use the Docker process.

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I agree, the docker run command should be updated to included persistent storage. Good idea.