Polls and discussion: Goals and Objectives for Treasury Resource Allocation

Thank you for putting together this proposal and poll to gauge the community’s sentiment on treasury spending and resource allocation. It’s crucial that we, as a community, provide input and direction to ensure the treasury funds are utilized effectively to drive the growth and success of the Centrifuge ecosystem.

I’m pleased to see that the majority of voters believe growing adoption and increasing utility should be the critical areas for allocating funding. These two aspects are essential for the long-term success and sustainability of the project. Protocol development is also a key area that deserves attention and funding to ensure the platform remains competitive and innovative.

It’s great to see unanimous support for milestone-based funding. This approach ensures that funds are released only upon the completion of predefined milestones, promoting accountability and ensuring that the projects deliver on their promises. This will help maintain the integrity of the treasury and ensure that funds are not wasted on projects that fail to meet their objectives.

Regarding the decision-making process for complex proposals, I agree with the majority that token holders should utilize expert opinions and proposals produced by a dedicated group, such as a Treasury Advisory Group. This approach will provide token holders with the necessary insights and information to make informed decisions, while still maintaining the decentralised governance structure.

To further enhance this proposal and process, I suggest considering the following:

  1. Establish clear guidelines and criteria for evaluating proposals to ensure consistency and fairness in the decision-making process.
  2. Implement a regular review process to assess the progress and effectiveness of funded projects, allowing for course corrections if necessary.
  3. Encourage collaboration and partnerships with other projects and communities to foster innovation, share knowledge, and expand the reach of the Centrifuge ecosystem.

I look forward to the upcoming governance call, where we can discuss these results in more detail and work together to refine our treasury spending and resource allocation strategy.