Thank you everyone for contributing to the discussion here.
In general, there was a consensus from the community for increasing the amount of self-bond for creating a proposal on-chain.
The proposal was initially to increase the amount to 1000 CFG but based on the comments from the community I have created two polls; one for whether you agree with increasing the amount of self-bond and one for the amount. Depending on the outcome of the second poll, there might be another one for adjusting the amount.
Do you agree to increase the amount of self-bond for creating an on-chain proposal?
What should be the amount of self-bond for creating an on-chain proposal?
The poll ends tomorrow and if it is still in favor of increasing the amount of self-bond, I will ask the Centrifuge council to create a motion to put this to a referendum vote.
The poll has now ended and 92% of the people responding voted yes for increasing the amount of self-bond and 77 % voted for increasing the amount to 1000 CFG.
I will now ask the Centrifuge council to propose a referendum to increase the amount of self-bond to 1000 CFG so all token holders can vote on this. The link will be posted here once the referendum vote is active.