Your Wildest Memes Competition
It’s time for the Centrifuge Community to vote for the #yourwildestmemes competition held by Kusama on Twitter. Many participated in Altair mem-ing. We salute you.
Here are the finalists, vote for your fave! The winner will receive some bad ass Centrifuge swag!! (Note: If you were a chronic memer we just included your two most liked tweets)
So in no particular order…
Cast your vote at the bottom!
1: Easy rider Altair-style from @Journey62216954
2: At the Parachain Club with
3: This Dog hurts with @LeChicLinkies
4: Change your $Future with @SamCham43434300
5: Saruman…is not wise, that’s Gandalf with
6: Centrifuge is Joe Exotic…? with @DonnieBigBags
7: Baby yoda. Greedy is.
with @Trobriand15
8: Save KSM from this strange child @swarm_crypto
9: Power Memer @SamCham43434300 is with us again:
10: Science Rules with @Pats_Hardi
11: Looney as with @Startico2021
12: Chaos etc with @JEFE_DOTSAMA
13: Crazy science guy with @CrispSkies
14: But who is the betrayer? with @Capt_Geek
Cast your One Vote Here!
- 1 - Easy Riser
- 2 - Parachain Club
- 3 - This Dog hurts
- 4 - Change $Future
- 5 - Umm Saruman?
- 6 - Joe Exotic
- 7 - Greedy Yoda
- 8 - Strange child
- 9 - Power Memer
- 10 - Science Rules
- 11 - Looney
- 12 - Chaos etc
- 13 - Crazy Sci Guy
- 14 - The Betrayer
0 voters
Thanks! We’ll announce the winner on Twitter (and don’t forget to vote in the Kusama Auctions