Here are a few things to consider when determining what pool to invest in:
Pool Size: Tinlake pools on the homepage are ranked by the total amount of Dai. New Silver and FortunaFi are our first two pools to grow to over 1m Dai. In general, the larger pools are more mature and have had more success in raising capital.
Yield: If you are a yield seeking, then check out Harbor and FortunaFi, which both offer double digit yields. But don’t stop just at yield, get to know why certain pools carry higher returns, get to know their risks.
Liquidity: If there is a chance that you will need access to your capital in a short amount of time, then consider pools that have maturities of less than 90 days. 1754, ConsolFreight, Paperchain, databased.FINANCE and Harbor invest in assets with maturities of less than 90 days.
Protection: Some pools have a larger TIN tranches, which provides more downside protection. New Silver, databased.FINANCE, and ConsolFreight have 15% TIN risk buffers. Often times the TIN buffer provides more safety and therefore the yields are lower.
Execution: It is important that when a pool pulls in cash it quickly invests that capital, otherwise the cash will be sitting there not earning any interest. 1754, Harbor, Paperchain, and have almost all of their cash invested so there is very little cash drag to weigh down returns. You can see that by looking at the Reserve Ratio, which is the percentage of cash held by the pool. Keep in mind that sometimes a pool will build up a pool of cash before making a large investment, so keep your eye on how long they sit on a large cash balance, which may indicate that they are not executing well.
Concentration: Check out how many assets that are held by a pool. The more assets the better, since it will decrease the concentration risk. If one asset is delinquent or defaults it will have less impact on the overall pool. 1754 and ConsolFreight have highly diversified pools.
CFG Rewards: Remember that you will earn some CFG as a reward for being an early investor providing liquidity to our protocol!! Rewards are distributed to investors across all pools (link to rewards post, edit for 30 days / 5k min)
What variables matter to you? Do your own research, ask questions here, get smart about the investments, and then go for it!