In my time working on the protocol, I’ve found increasingly that the partnership between Centrifuge and MakerDAO has made for great headlines, generated demand, and proven out the promise of securitizing credit on-chain and financing that via MakerDAO.
This has led to many opportunities, proposals, and emails people seeking to both use the Centrifuge protocol for securitizing the offering – and then seeking financing on-chain for a senior lender.
This most often ends up on the Forum here – and inevitably through other private communication channels.
As I look to the future, I see the emergence of stablecoins such as AAVE’s GHO and the potential for Centrifuge to facilitate credit / allocations through yet another partnership with a major DeFi protocol.
However, it’s still opaque, difficult, and slow for any asset originator, debt issuer, or asset manager to self-direct their journey through the on-chain markets and engage with a potential investor, most often a senior lender, who is willing to review and understand their proposal for financing credit.
How can we the Centrifuge Community provide a simply roadmap or “how-to” for the current, an ever rising tide, of credit financing demand that comes to our door step?
There’s an opportunity for this community be a warm and welcoming place for those from traditional finance who are bold enough (in this market most especially) to try and finance credit in crypto.
I would propose that the community collaborate, and I’m happy to support those willing to lead with me, to better manage expectations of how investors can be approached on-chain and provide a simple roadmap for how to discover if the collateral and investment opportunity being proposed can be quickly evaluated.
To conclude, I think the question is simply this:
How can the Centrifuge Community empower potential issuers and asset managers to self-direct their own journey for discovering, engaging, and qualifying if their is investor demand for their offering?