CP139: Florida Blockchain Business Association (FBBA) Enterprise Level Membership for the Centrifuge DAO

cp: 139
title: Florida Blockchain Business Association (FBBA) Enterprise Level Membership for the Centrifuge DAO
authors: @The_Phunky_One_Lucky
uses-component: cp2
technical-proposal: no
requires-onchain: yes
status: rfc
date-proposed: 2025-02-02

Short Summary: This proposal seeks funding from the Centrifuge DAO Treasury to secure an enterprise-level membership with the Florida Blockchain Business Association (FBBA) for $49,999. This partnership aims to enhance Centrifuge’s influence in blockchain policy advocacy, expand its network, and position it as a leader in real-world asset (RWA) tokenization within the rapidly growing blockchain ecosystem in Florida.

High-Level Objective: To leverage FBBA’s legislative advocacy, educational outreach, and community-building initiatives to advance Centrifuge’s mission of bridging real-world assets with decentralized finance (DeFi) and fostering a more inclusive financial system.

Background of Proposal: The FBBA has established itself as a premier organization for blockchain advocacy, particularly in Florida, a state with an increasingly influential role in technology policy and adoption. Under the leadership of Samuel Armes, the FBBA has successfully driven initiatives such as the Anti-CBDC bill and fostered a favorable regulatory environment for blockchain innovation. By joining FBBA at the enterprise level, it will secure a board seat where I can serve as our primary ambassador, ensuring issues that are relevant to both DAOs and RWAs are heard. The Centrifuge DAO can actively contribute to shaping policies that benefit RWAs and DeFi, while also gaining access to a network of key stakeholders in one of the largest economies in the world that is also politically powerful on the national stage here in the United States. Moreover, Florida is actively enticing blockchain businesses to move their operations to the Sunshine State for tax and regulatory purposes, and it would be wise for an active contributor from our DAO to educate legislators as they craft laws.

Description of Activity:

  • Secure enterprise-level membership with the FBBA.

  • Actively participate in FBBA’s legislative advocacy campaigns to support blockchain, attendant DAOs and RWA-friendly policies.

  • Leverage FBBA’s network to establish partnerships and collaborations with other blockchain businesses as well as policymakers.

  • Utilize FBBA’s educational platforms to promote the adoption of Centrifuge’s RWA tokenization solutions.

  • Represent Centrifuge at FBBA events, monthly meetings, workshops, and community-building initiatives.

Risk Assessment:

Risk: Limited tangible returns on investment in the short term.

Mitigation: Focus on building long-term relationships and aligning with FBBA’s impactful advocacy efforts.


  • This membership will provide long-term value by positioning Centrifuge as a leader in blockchain policy advocacy and enhancing its visibility in the United States, which is poised to become the “Crypto Capital of the World” under President Trump, his cabinet, and the 119th Congress. It is notable that many legislators at the state level in Florida go on to serve at the national level. By building relationships here in Florida first, which is already the 3rd most populous state and has the 4th largest economy in the United States (16th in the world with a GDP of $1.7T as of 2024), Centrifuge will gain access to future legislators and regulators at the federal level.

  • Continued engagement with FBBA activities such as attending all board meetings and participating in visits to Tallahassee will ensure ongoing benefits and a strong ROI.

Collaborations and Partnerships:

  • Collaboration with FBBA’s network of blockchain companies, technologists, and policymakers (there are over 5000 blockchain businesses in Florida)

  • Potential partnerships with businesses in Florida exploring RWA tokenization (e.g. Propy).

Change or Improvement: This proposal will significantly increase Centrifuge’s visibility and influence in shaping blockchain-related policies and regulations, fostering an environment conducive to RWA adoption and innovation.

Alignment to the Mission of Centrifuge DAO: This partnership aligns with Centrifuge’s mission to bridge traditional finance with DeFi by engaging with key stakeholders and advocating for a regulatory environment that supports RWA integration.

Description of Individual/Group Seeking Funding: The enterprise level of membership offers a seat on the board of the FBBA. As an active contributor to the DAO and Centrifuge ambassador, acting as a liaison between our organizations, I would be well positioned to help shape FBBA initiatives throughout the current legislative session and the remainder of the year. In addition to myself, we will have direct access to the president and founder, Samuel Armes, who has been highly successful in getting pro-blockchain legislation passed over the last several years. I have known Sam for a number of years now and will work closely with him to help build relationships that will benefit our DAO over the long term.


  • Total Request: $49,999 of CFG tokens at the time of the proposal’s passage should the DAO vote AYE in favor of this initiative.
  • Breakdown: Single payment for the annual enterprise-level membership fee for FBBA.

Measurement and Evaluation:


  • Getting legislation passed on the establishment of DAOs as legal entities in the Sunshine State.
  • Partnerships or collaborations established via FBBA connections.
  • Increased awareness of Centrifuge’s RWA solutions among FBBA’s network and policy makers in Tallahassee, the capital of Florida.

Delivery and Reporting:

  • Timeline: Membership to commence immediately upon approval and funding.
  • Reporting: Quarterly updates to the DAO on activities and outcomes achieved through FBBA membership during our active contributor call. If I have a conflict during any given date for our quarterly calls, I will host a meeting at an alternative time to keep the DAO apprised of my efforts working with Sam and the rest of the FBBA board.

Legal and Ethical Considerations:

  • All activities will comply with Centrifuge DAO’s ethical guidelines and relevant legal frameworks.
  • No conflicts of interest have been identified.

Milestone-Based Funding: N/A – Single payment of $49,999 for annual membership.

Goals and Themes Alignment:

  • Goal(s) Supported: Advance Centrifuge’s mission by engaging in policy advocacy and expanding its ecosystem.
  • Theme(s) Supported: Community growth, ecosystem development, and regulatory engagement.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and I look forward to any and all feedback / questions!


Ryan / Phunky

FBBA CFG Address:

The Phunky One CFG Address: 4cDqRFqruFThBDcnS7pRipwoxwGqLaD3SwrFRR6kcDaLwagz
(if needed for verification of ID)


Ohhhhh… I like this. A lot. $50k in CFG seems a worthy expense and investment for Centrifuge in Florida and more importantly the USA. Is the cost an annual cost or one-time expense?


Thanks for the feedback, Marcus!

Yes, to answer your question this is an annual fee (unless I am wrong and Sam can correct me). Larger associations at the national level (like the Blockchain Association) are $250K per year to become a basic member, whereas the enterprise level includes a board seat and Sam wants me more involved with FBBA anyhow, so it’s a win-win in my mind.

Moreover, this year is strategically important and we’d be getting a lot of bang for our buck because of the way the Florida legislative cycle works. In years where the following year is an election year (like it will be in 2026), the legislature reconvenes earlier and ends earlier. So even if we miss a small part of this legislative session in 2025, we can use the summer to start building relationships / connections and perhaps even float a bill around RWAs in the next 6 months when committee work begins for the 2026 legislative session.


Excellent. Yes, $50k/yr at least for a year or two seems like a worthy treasury expense to get Centrifuge’s foot in the door and to be a part of the state/national RWA & DAO conversation. Obviously if the ROI doesn’t seem to be panning out, you could always cancel the membership and look for more prosperous opportunities.


Very true. But knowing Sam’s track record, plus my own ability to get things done, I highly doubt this wouldn’t be a successful venture.

One way or another, I’m definitely gonna give it my all should the community pass this proposal!


Love to hear it. You’ll get an Aye vote from me and our collator.


Thank you for your proposal @The_Phunky_One_Lucky!

I have added the header to the proposal and moved the post to the correct folder (Centrifuge Governance → Proposals).


You’re more than welcome, Orhan!

And thank you for moving it to the proper folder :sweat_smile:

I’ve only ever commented / left feedback over the last 2+ years, so posting something is totally new to me. I appreciate your help very much, kind sage! :pray:


Hi @The_Phunky_One_Lucky

Thanks for the detailed proposal! Love to see your drive to represent Centrifuge.

Note, my comments here do not reflect opinions of the Treasury Advisory Group (TAG) but rather my own work as an Active Contributor of Centrifuge.

I have a hesitation about spending $50K on a one year membership for a regional business association, especially for one that’s focused on policy advocacy when the current administration in the US seems very pro blockchain. If policy change is just the headline and underneath the surface the FBBA is a place for deal making, that would be a different story.

I would be keen to hear some concrete examples of how the membership will deliver value for money.

I think the KPIs you have listed are relevant to DAOs more generally, rather than the Centrifuge DAO specifically, i.e. Getting legislation passed on the establishment of DAOs as legal entities in the Sunshine State. Great for DAOs, but our job right now should be focused on increasing TVL, and bringing new partners to start pools and invest in pools.

Could you see FBBA connections doing either of these two things? Is FBBA’s network comprised of funds, investors etc, if so, what are some examples of these?

I would also like to hear from others who may have more insight about whether policy advocacy (specifically in the state of Florida) is needed, and a priority for Centrifuge: @Eli @sirj @martin @itsbhaji

In the spirit of good budgeting and open dialogue, many thanks :dizzy:


Hey, Kate!

Of course, I would expect nothing less from you than an engaging dialogue about how this could provide value to Centrifuge. I will work through your questions / comments in the same order in which you left them:

  1. While I realize that in a very real sense this is a “regional” association, as I noted in the proposal Florida is a massive state and ranks higher than most countries on many metrics, economic and otherwise. It has a ton of political and economic power here in the U.S., and many of the relationships we would develop through our membership would undoubtedly be business oriented.

  2. I have asked Sam (founder and president) to create an account so that he may participate in the conversation on our forum, but the first thing that comes to my mind is the board seat that comes with the enterprise level membership. As an Active Contributor to the Centrifuge DAO myself, I would love to work closely with the rest of our members to ensure we can shape that value creation in a collaborative manner. I realize this is not a concrete example per se, but beyond this I believe having the opportunity to interface with other members who are running blockchain businesses and are interested in the tokenization of RWAs would be a great place to start. But even beyond those existing businesses, we might be able to approach traditional businesses that are curious about blockchain and talk to them about the benefits of tokenization, especially with more illiquid assets that could then be used to generate other financial opportunities such as collateral for getting loans.

  3. This is perhaps due to me thinking on my own what would benefit Centrifuge, so I can see how my chosen language is a bit limiting. The previous bill in Florida that dealt with DAOs specifically was looking into how they could be used to facilitate business dealings or otherwise become businesses until themselves, which is why I thought it relevant to this proposal.

  4. To answer your questions, the simple answer is a resounding YES. In fact, just this past Tuesday and Wednesday Sam got me into the N40 Digital Asset Summit, and most of the attendees came from family office backgrounds that are looking for steady/safe returns in the space, so introducing them to products such as Anemoy’s T-bill funds would be a great option. Even if these investors are not FBBA members, they are certainly FBBA “adjacent” and Sam has a lot of connections to wealthy investors all throughout the state of Florida.

I would also love to hear from others as well, and I hope that these comments reflect that this membership is not solely about policy advocacy. As noted in the draft, I want to be the conduit through which I can serve the Centrifuge team and DAO as someone who has taken a keen interest in both over the last 2+ years.

And you’re more than welcome, Kate! I appreciate you engaging with me and the proposal :blush:


Hi there!
Here is my personal opinion about CP139.

As we all know, achieving a successful BD deal is not easy. How many pools were recently launched on Centrifuge in 1,2,3 years?

So if, thanks to this proposal, Centrifuge Protocol can make at least ONE partnership (Pools, cooperation, etc) in Florida or the US, that will already be 100% successful for Centrifuge.
I know for sure that previously, @The_Phunky_One_Lucky already connected the Centrifuge BD team with different partners, which makes me confident that Ryan will do his best.

However, if Centrifuge DAO does not try, we will never know if this is worth it.


Thanks, Ivan.

Like you highlighted, I have already brought a couple of opportunities to Centrifuge as an active contributor to the DAO and general fan of the team and protocol itself.

I’d imagine having additional connectivity within the FBBA will open up an entirely new set of conversations and potential opportunities, especially those that are already exploring tokenization of RWAs.

I’m looking forward to the meeting on Wednesday to answer any questions and receive additional feedback from my fellow DAO members :man_bowing:


Thanks for putting up the proposal Ryan, as a disclosure I am not sure about how things work in US but if this can get us a valuable support or guidance into the RWA space I am for it. But there are couple of questions out there.

  1. Are there any other projects in the RWA space are already members in the FBBA, if not being a supporter or sponsor with some additional budget as 50K is high but it would be worth to explore what will the cost for sponsor ship as that will help both on visibility and engagement than being a member.
  2. Regulatory engagement should go in hand with other players, I mean we are so early that there is enough for all the players at this moment so will this platform provide a collaborative space

Thanks very much for the detailed reply:

  1. Noted, it would be helpful if you could give us some examples of the other member types - i.e. what is their product/protocol/business/sector.
  2. Would be great if Sam joins the discussion. I think there could also be an opportunity here to attract members in the association to become investors in pools, and even experiment with other deals, rather than just attracting a fund to launch a pool. Sidenote: I think it’s necessary for the Centrifuge BD team to give some more pointers to the DAO about their criteria for working with a fund/partner in order pool to launch a pool and what the technical capacity is to launch new pools because it’s hard to tell if it’s something they truly think community could help with cc @joncasterline @anil
  3. Noted
  4. This is great detail. Can you give some more detail about the reach of the FBBA - i.e. how many conferences do they attend each year, what is their activity other than political advocacy?

Furthermore, I am personally interested to learn more about how a blockchain association is run.

Overall, I think proposal is leading in the right direction

Thank Ryan :dizzy:


Thank you @The_Phunky_One_Lucky Ryan for this proposal, I fully support it, and I feel this is a timely and strategic proposal that underscores the critical importance of Real-World Asset (RWA) tokenization in the U.S. right now. With regulatory clarity becoming a key battleground for blockchain adoption, Centrifuge’s engagement with the Florida Blockchain Business Association (FBBA) is a proactive move to ensure RWAs are not just recognized, but actively integrated into the evolving financial landscape, I truly appreciate what Ryan has done for Centrifuge, fostering key collaborations that drive real impact for both the RWA ecosystem and the broader Web3 space, I am curious if the FBBA will have any RWA conference in the future, Florida is a great place and maybe the RWA summit can happen with FBBA’s help and bring more exposure for Centrifuge.

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Hi @The_Phunky_One_Lucky, we are aiming to start the vote for three treasury proposals (including yours) on Monday next week.

Next steps for you (see also screenshot below)

  1. Make sure you have provided the correct CFG wallet address in this proposal for the funds to be transferred to, if your proposal passes.
  2. Make sure you have 5,000 CFG + some CFG for transaction fees (5001 CFG should be more than enough) in your wallet to use as bond for the submission of your proposal (see step 3) - this bond will be returned to you if your proposal passes the onchain vote. If your proposal doesn’t pass, the 5,000 CFG will be slashed, but the Centrifuge council will create a motion afterwards to send these funds back to your wallet so they will not be lost.
  3. Go to the portal (Polkadot/Substrate Portal), make sure your wallet with the 5,000 CFG is connected and create your treasury proposal by:
    a. clicking on “Submit proposal”
    b. selecting the wallet with the 5,000 CFG for the bond
    c. selecting the beneficiary of the funds (wallet provided in this proposal)
    d. adding the amount of CFG requested *
    e. clicking on “Submit proposal” and sign the transaction with your wallet

*You can convert the $ amount requested ($49.999) to CFG by using the actual CFG price when you are submitting this. Please also add to your proposal under the Budget section what will happen in case of CFG price volatility (up or down) after receiving the funds and converting them to $, if the proposal passes.

Once you have done step 1-3, the Centrifuge council will submit a motion to create a public referendum (the onchain vote) for all CFG holders to vote on (as opposed to only the council voting on it). We are aiming to do this for all three ongoing treasury proposals on Monday so please make sure to do these steps before then.

I will keep you updated with the progress in this forum post.

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