This proposal will set the end of the Altair parachain lease period (crowdloanClaim.leasePeriod) to block #6,180,918. The initial end date was set to block #2,060,306.
There were some users who are not able to claim their AIR rewards from the crowdloan so if this proposal passes in the Altair council, they should be able to claim again.
The code that was written for users to claim crowdloan rewards is designed to work with only a single lease period at a time. The assumption was that the next lease period would be a new crowdloan with a new set of rewards for users to claim. I think built into that was also an assumption that users would claim their rewards in a timely manner.
Since we were able to renew altair without needing a crowdloan, there are no new rewards to replace the old ones. Thus we can extend the claim period. The chosen claim period goes well beyond our current lease, on the assumption that we will continue to renew without crowdloans. If we do end up using a crowdloan for a future renewal, the process of configuring the new rewards will have to include ending the ability to claim on the old ones
The Altair users should be able to claim their rewards now.
Thank you @branan for the explanation and @Rhano for initiation of this Council Motion.
Thanks, everyone for voting!