Hello everyone,
I have just put forward the motion to ratify the following proposal:
Proposal Text - IPFS Hash: QmNxQW653u4XesrLoHU8VRr5ChVYBtLV7LmDWF6WiB2T1w
# 2022-01-15 Centrifuge Tinlake Liquidity Rewards Update
By casting your vote on chain, you indicate your approval of changing the Tinlake Rewards on Centrifuge as follows:
1. Mint approximately 2β000β000 CFG into the rewards account (set balance to 2.75M CFG)
2. Split up the LP rewards into separate rates for DROP & TIN tokens
3. Set the issuer reward (formerly AO reward) to 0.00002 CFG per $ per day.
4. Set the DROP token holder reward to 0.00054 CFG per $ per day.
5. Set the TIN token holder reward to 0.00095 CFG per $ per day.
These values will be valid until governance proceeds with another vote.
## References
1. [Poll](https://gov.centrifuge.io/t/poll-restructuring-of-tinlake-lp-rewards/3392)
2. [Discussion](https://gov.centrifuge.io/t/centrifuge-lp-rewards-ideas-for-improvements/3237)
This council motion introduced a majority democracy proposal for the token holders to vote on and has the following preimage hash: 0x933207662be0eb731819b50c8998feef84b2074cd978f822f16c3840a8f03f0b
. You can verify the proposal by reproducing the preimage as follows. The reward palletβs account is 4dpEcgqJpG7cEcfe86JgXiNLBMSLwvHeVzrCaGvDzx2o1nEc
This thread will be updated as the vote progresses.