Council Motion: 2022-01-15 Tinlake Rewards Update

Hello everyone,

I have just put forward the motion to ratify the following proposal:

Proposal Text - IPFS Hash: QmNxQW653u4XesrLoHU8VRr5ChVYBtLV7LmDWF6WiB2T1w

# 2022-01-15 Centrifuge Tinlake Liquidity Rewards Update
By casting your vote on chain, you indicate your approval of changing the Tinlake Rewards on Centrifuge as follows:
1. Mint approximately 2’000’000 CFG into the rewards account (set balance to 2.75M CFG)
2. Split up the LP rewards into separate rates for DROP & TIN tokens
3. Set the issuer reward (formerly AO reward) to 0.00002 CFG per $ per day.
4. Set the DROP token holder reward to 0.00054 CFG per $ per day.
5. Set the TIN token holder reward to 0.00095 CFG per $ per day.

These values will be valid until governance proceeds with another vote.

## References
1. [Poll](
2. [Discussion](

This council motion introduced a majority democracy proposal for the token holders to vote on and has the following preimage hash: 0x933207662be0eb731819b50c8998feef84b2074cd978f822f16c3840a8f03f0b. You can verify the proposal by reproducing the preimage as follows. The reward pallet’s account is 4dpEcgqJpG7cEcfe86JgXiNLBMSLwvHeVzrCaGvDzx2o1nEc

This thread will be updated as the vote progresses.


The council motion has reached the required 6 votes and was closed in this transaction: Subscan | Substrate based blockchain explorer

@mikiquantum has proposed a motion to fasttrack it with a voting period of 48hrs which is now ready for the council to vote on.

The fast track has now passed and token holders have 48hrs to vote on it. The council motion was closed in this transaction: Subscan | Substrate based blockchain explorer

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