Good day Community!
Earlier this year, an RFC for additional token utility was created and there was a lot of input from the community.
The GCG group, after carefully reading and analyzing the comments and all suggestions provided by the Community here ( link ) and here (link), would like to separate the old RFC (with 2 token utilities) and re-open the discussion about Protocol Fees before starting an official governance process for the proposal. This is a short summary of the proposal and comments regarding this proposal.
Protocol Fees
In our opinion turning on protocol fees will increase the security of Protocol life and guarantee continuous development and add additional key token utility.
The CFG token currently has these utilities now:
- Transaction fees on the Centrifuge parachain
- Governance ( Snapshot voting, on-chain voting)
An additional key utility to implement with CFG for the Community to consider is to turn on protocol fees. These protocol fees can be implemented as servicing fees in CFG tokens for use of the protocol for locking an NFT, entering into a borrowing transaction, etc.
These fees would be paid in CFG into the on-chain treasury, and the token holders would govern the best way to deploy these funds to grow the protocol (ex. grants, or burning a percentage of the treasury each spend period, at a rate set through CFG-holder governance).
And what does this mean for token holders? Why now?
Well, for several reasons.
- Centrifuge Pools and growth of Centrifuge Pools on Eth
Given the growth of Centrifuge pools on Ethereum to over $80M TVL (total value locked), and the upcoming launch of pools on the Centrifuge chain, the Community can consider that the protocol is both large and mature enough to support protocol fees.
Implementing such fees on Ethereum would have been too complex and expensive while borrowers were paying high gas fees, and come at a stage where Centrifuge was still proving its value as a protocol. With its current size and coming updates - protocol fees could start to have a real impact on the protocolās future growth potential, and CFG holdersā participation in that growth by creating a link between CFG and the growing use of the protocol.
- Stability and self-sustainability:
Looking at TVL on Tinlake and the development of Centrifuge Pools we think that now Centrifuge is ready to turn on Protocols Fees in order to guarantee the stability and self-sustainability of the protocol.
We believe that turning on Protocol Fees is strictly aligned with the Centrifuge Mission and will help the protocol become self-sustainable, stable, and independent from external conditions in the future.
In order to understand the best choice for the protocol and the direction of development, we would like to ask the opinion of the Community:
- What currency of the fee we should implement in your opinion?
- Structure of the initial fee implementation? Any ideas, or suggestions?
- Who is the fee charged to (Issuer, Investor or both)?
- What is the fee based on? Is it a fixed fee or variable?
- Fees are paid into the on-chain treasury?
- Should we have an insurance pool or some supply set aside to cover pool losses?
We would like to thank our Community for the input and ideas provided so far in previous discussions. In particular: @Sherman ( 1,2), @prankstr25 (1), @Frosties , @OgTheKingOfBashan (1), @karpenko416 (1), @Cedric (1) etc.
Looking forward to any feedback and any concerns that you might have, feel free to write them in the comments.