Big fan of Proposal #1. Protocols which generate revenue in fees are a sign of a protocol growing up and becoming serious IMHO. Centrifuge is definitely ready for this.
Proposal #2 is cool, but I can see a number of challenges in making this work. My main concern is whether the community are well enough informed to decide which pools should be launched. Not that the community are stupid(!), just that the structure of these pools can be very technical with a lot of risks inherent within them. I know that the Centrifuge team atm are doing a lot of DD and risk analysis on Issuers, Asset Originators, pool structure etc, - it would be a shame to lose that completely. Maybe a middle ground might be something like the Community vote and decide which type of pools they want and don’t want to exist (eg asset type, loan length, must not be negative environmental impact etc) and from there either the Centrifuge team or a decentralised risk assessor with expertise in the field can decide which pools actually do launch.