[Altair Collator Introduction] Ryabina

Hello! Ryabina is here.
We are validators and software developers. We started with Kusama network in 2019, and now our portfolio includes networks: Polkadot, Kusama, The Graph, Vega, Celo, Equilibrium, Centrifuge, Stafi, Moonriver, Edgeware, Darwinia, Dock, Genshiro, Bifrost , Kava and Ethereum 2.0. Ryabina’s data centres are located in Europe and the US.

Ryabina had 3 validators in Centrifuge standalone with high amount of era points and no slashes.

We are always open to conversation and happy to help the community. Feel free to ask the questions in Ryabina’s Telegram group Telegram: Contact @RyabinaValidator, follow our news on https://twitter.com/Ryabinaio, send your question or request to info@ryabina.io!