Harbor integrates with Circle to provide faster payments to global buyers and suppliers
By integrating the HarborTrade platform with Circle’s Payments and Payout API’s, Harbor uses USDC to efficiently exchange digital assets and fiat. This enables Harbor to provide faster payments to global buyers and suppliers as well as manage the fund’s treasury.
We’ve already realized cost and operational efficiency with 50 percent of our transactions. Most importantly, Circle’s API-first approach and their seamless integration with blockchains will help Harbor achieve our growth targets as our transaction volume is expected to reach an annual run rate of $300 million by the end of 2022.
New Website
New website is live.
Harbor Pool Updates
During the month of September and October we have underwritten and structured several new programs which are set to close in November and December. New origination is projected at an additional 3.5 million DAI for the month of November, this deployment is subject to client’s procurement/sales schedules and the ongoing supply chain disruptions which continue to cause shipping delays.
Portfolio Allocation
Portfolio allocation will be available to investors on a regular basis which will include information on the underlying obligors in the pool. This will be included on the Tinlake UI. Harbor will periodically distribute press releases, company news and portfolio updates to registered investors on Tinlake. You can also sign up here: Newsletter
Thank you for your support and investing in Harbor. If there are any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.
HTC2 will be open to TIN and DROP investors in the next few days
We will send a notification once the pool is open for new and existing subscribers