[Issuer] Alt 1.0 SPV, LLC

Hello Token Holders,
We’re excited to share an important update with you. After two years of dedicated efforts, we’re wrapping up the ALT 1.0 SPV pool. Despite deploying considerable capital, we encountered challenges in consistently scaling asset originations. However, our commitment remains unwavering.
In the short-term, we’re doubling down on enhancing our payments platform (outside of the Centrifuge lending business), ensuring its robustness and efficiency. Lending remains a core focus for us, and we anticipate returning to it once our payments business achieves incremental scale.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your steadfast support throughout this journey. Your belief in our vision fuels our determination to continue striving for excellence. At this time, per my email to all investors, we are asking Centrifuge to wind down the pool and handling the redemption process offchain.