Flowcarbon Nature Offsets Series 1 Update

Dear Community Members,

We are writing to provide an update on the current status of Flowcarbon Nature Offsets Series 1.

We are happy to announce that we have made our first interest payment to the pool. We’ve provided approximately $100k of capital as a payment on all interest accrued to date, as we understand the importance of liquidity in the current market and want our investors to feel confidence in Flowcarbon’s dedication to providing strong returns in a timely manner.

We have also updated the end date of our contract to June 30th, though we anticipate the funds will be available before that. The funds will be delivered to the contract once a sale of carbon credits has been executed. (The end date of the contract was initially set for December 4th purely for programmatic purposes: our contract has always been of a floating term).

The Corazón Verde Del Chaco Project—the project providing the carbon credits to the pool—is progressing well. All required documents have been submitted to Verra, which is in the process of issuing the credits associated with this project. Additionally, we are in the final stages of signing a purchase agreement with a large multinational corporation to buy the carbon credits from the pool once they are delivered.

We will keep you updated on any progress on this front. If you have any questions in the meantime, please send any inquiries to project-finance@flowcarbon.com.

The Flowcarbon Team


Thank you for sharing this update!

Hi Guys, had a few question regarding this pool, can you pls help with the updates or direct me to a place where I can get some info? I sent over an email too but didn’t receive a response. My questions are:

  1. What are the expected project timelines?

  2. Have carbon credits been issued from Quadriz to Flow Carbon? If not, when is it expected?

  3. Have buyer deals for these credits already been signed or is it still in process?

  4. What have the average retail/wholsale prices for similar credits been in the past?
