Exploring Interest for a DeFi Real Estate App as a Potential Asset Generator

Hello Centrifuge Community,

I’m excited to engage with this vibrant community to explore the potential for collaboration. I represent a team that’s in the advanced stages of developing a white label app designed to facilitate both whole home and fractional real estate purchases. Our platform aims to streamline the buying process and integrate it with DeFi, creating a unique ecosystem for on-chain financing solutions.

As we refine our approach, we are considering the possibility of integrating our platform with Centrifuge to leverage its capabilities as a way to structure on-chain financing pools. Our goal is to evaluate whether our application could serve as an asset generator within the Centrifuge ecosystem, contributing to the diversification and strength of asset pools available.

We believe our platform could add substantial value to the DeFi space by enabling real estate assets to be more accessible and liquid. However, before proceeding further, we would love to gather feedback from the community:

  1. Is there an interest in such an integration from other Centrifuge users?
  2. Are there members here who have experience with real estate assets within DeFi who could provide insights or express interest in such a proposal?

We’re looking forward to your thoughts and feedback. Our aim is not only to innovate but also to ensure that our developments align well with the needs and interests of the broader Centrifuge community.

Thank you for your time and input!

Best regards,

Elizabeth @KLBR8