CP6 (GI): Add a block reward and improve Collators cycle

This proposal was discussed in the RFC here and has been submitted to the Proposal Repository on Github so it is now final.

Link to proposal on GitHub: cps/CP6.md at main · centrifuge/cps · GitHub

There are no changes made to the initial proposal:

  • Implement a block reward to Centrifuge Parachain
  • Improvement of Collator Reward Cycle

The proposal has now moved on to a snapshot vote.

:ballot_box: Please vote here: Snapshot vote: Add a block reward and improve Collators cycle

The snapshot vote will start 15:30 CET today and be open for 14 days (until 17/12/2022 15:30 CET)

If passed, we will keep you updated when this proposal moves to an on-chain vote.


Hello Community! :raised_hand:
The snapshot vote for this proposal has passed.

Voted: 4.96M CFG
Voters: 30

Thank everyone for voting and for participating.