CP140: Renewal Treasury Advisory Group funding

cp: [140]
authors: @0xJulCaesar, @Imdior, @Kate_bee, @theoyster ]
beneficiary: [TAG]
wallet: [4g2JJ7Lq56WgSvPdzsGuLQRbmU3EAQmYK8SH23JmWmi2j1iX]
uses-component: [cp2]
technical-proposal: [no]
requires-onchain: [yes]
impacts/modifies: [no]
status: [rfc]
date-proposed: [2025-02-04]

Proposal Renewal: Treasury Advisory Group (TAG) unding Request


This proposal seeks to renew the funding for the Treasury Advisory Group (TAG) for an additional 6-month period. TAG has successfully facilitated and advised on treasury-related activities for the Centrifuge DAO, delivering on its initial mandate to improve treasury management, accountability, and transparency.

The renewal of TAG’s funding will ensure continuity in providing valuable expertise and support for wise treasury management, governance processes, and resource allocation.

Achievements of TAG (Past 6 Months)


  • Treasury Reports: Delivered detailed treasury overviews, including inflows, outflows, and financial performance updates. CFG Treasury Report by TAG / CFG Treasury Report by TAG #2
  • Proposal Assessments: Currently, we are in the process of delivering TAG-related deliverables CP138
  • Governance Improvements: Proposed and implemented accountability measures for funded proposals. CP128
  • Educational Initiatives: Actively participated in 5 governance calls alongside 2 Active Contributors calls.
  • Comparative Analysis: In progress.
  • Additional Initiatives: CP132 / CP130. To align with educational initiatives, we included data visualizations and projections in the treasury reports we prepared while also planning content to be shared on social media. To better market our treasury and attract participants, we worked on marketing strategies. 4+ Calls within the group every month.

Impact and Outcomes:

  • Enhanced decision-making for DAO members through clear and transparent information.
  • Improved accountability for funded projects.
  • Strengthened alignment between treasury spending and the goals of Centrifuge DAO.
  • Increased DAO activity.
  • Simple and straightforward overview of the DAO Treasury

Proposed Objectives for the Next 6 Months

  1. Spending Advisory
  • Continue assessing treasury proposals and providing non-binding opinions.
  • Refine spending priorities to align with updated DAO goals.
  1. Community Education
  • Host more educational sessions and workshops to foster an understanding of treasury activities.
  • Publish simplified guides and graphics on treasury processes.
  • Treasury Reports
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Get input from the DAO on running live community spaces with the goal of increasing grant applications.
  • Get input from the DAO on co/hosting a Hackathon at Centrifuge by partnering 3rd party organizers.
  1. Governance Enhancements
  • Propose new governance improvements based on lessons learned and DAO feedback.
  1. Grant Program
  • Initiate a pilot Grant Program to explore and identify opportunities for Centrifuge Treasury growth
  • Start with targeted micro-grants to test and refine the program structure
  • Create an initial framework that can be scaled based on community engagement and success metrics
  • Focus on smaller, achievable projects that can demonstrate clear value to the ecosystem
  • Gather feedback and learnings to potentially expand the program’s scope in future iterations
  • Evaluate outcomes to develop best practices for a potentially larger grant program

Proposed Community Engagement Session


To directly encourage more community members to apply for grants by refining our approach to live community sessions. We aim to gather actionable feedback on how these sessions can best inform and motivate potential grant applicants and to use an AMA segment to clarify any questions regarding the new proposal.

Session Overview:

This live session is designed to:

  • Solicit Targeted Input: Engage DAO members in a discussion focused on creating a welcoming and informative environment that guides potential applicants through the grant process.
  • Drive Grant Application Rates: Identify the key elements that will make our live community sessions effective in increasing the number of grant applications.
  • Clarify Proposal Details: Provide an AMA segment where TAG members address questions and share insights about the new proposal and its impact on the grant process.


  • Date & Time: (exact time to be confirmed)
  • Platform: The session will be hosted on our regular DAO communication channel (e.g., Discord/Zoom/X) to ensure maximum participation.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Increased Grant Applications: By tailoring our live sessions based on community input, we expect a higher number of well-informed and motivated grant applicants.
  • Enhanced Community Support: A clear, open forum for discussion will build trust and encourage more active participation in the grant process.


In the initial proposal, the CFG price was considered to be $0.49. However, the actual price was significantly lower. The CFG token prices during the conversion were as follows:

  • 0.32, 0.344, 0.28, 0.41, 0.3 $/CFG

These were the CFG prices used during the submission of transactions over the past five months, unfortunately reflecting a decrease of more than 25-30% from the price stated in the initial proposal.
Which ultimately resulted in the fact that there were not enough tokens to pay for the 6th month.

At the moment, 4,295 tokens are stored in the multi-sig wallet.

Proposed Funding Request

We significantly extended our proposed objectives for the next six months, which will require additional time.

We have adjusted our funding contributions to maintain and further enhance the quality and scope of our services up to 6.5 hours per week.

The following changes:

Budget Overview (6 Months):

Category Description Budget (USD)
Member Compensation Payment for 2 members’ work (6.5 hours per week, $70/hour = $450/week or $1,800/month for 6 months). Note: 2 members’ compensation is covered by CNF. $21,600
Expert Consultation Payment for external experts when TAG lacks requisite knowledge. $6,000
Total $27,600 equivalent (approx. 153,330 CFG at a current price of $0.18)

Requested amount:

  • 164,590 CFG ( Which includes the TAG budget for the next 6 months + unpaid January month due to deficit)

TAG Multi-Sig Wallet Address: [4g2JJ7Lq56WgSvPdzsGuLQRbmU3EAQmYK8SH23JmWmi2j1iX]

Payment Terms:

  • Payment will be requested in one bi-annual instalment.
  • Unused funds will be returned to the DAO treasury after accounting for expenses.

TAG Memberships

  • Kate Beecroft (Lead)
  • ImdioR
  • 0xJulCaesar
  • Andrew Liffey (OnlyDeFiGuy)

Alignment to the mission of Centrifuge DAO

Renewing TAG’s funding is critical for the sustainable and transparent management of Centrifuge DAO’s treasury. With this renewal, TAG aims to build upon its past success and further enhance the DAO’s financial decision-making processes and governance framework.


I see there is a line item in the budget for Expert Consultations ($6k), this was also in the last budget. In the past 6 months since the last proposal was there anything paid to to outside expert consultants? If so who/what was their contribution?


Good day Sirj
Thank you for your comment and thank you for your patient with the reply.
In the last 6 months, TAG didn`t use any outside expert consultant because that wasn’t necessary with the posted proposals on the CFG forum and because, due to the drastic lowering of CFG price, that amount was used to pay the monthly contribution for TAG members.

In the mandate proposal, the price of CFG that was used at that time was 0.49$\CFG ( link ), but the price of monthly conversion, as was written in the proposal was 0.32, 0.344, 0.28, 0.41, 0.3 $/CFG.

You can quickly double-check how the CFG was spent if you click on TAG multi-sig wallet

In this proposal, we also included the outside expert consultant budget. With the actual Centrifuge Protocol Change ( CP141: Initiate the development of Centrifuge V3, a multi-chain, EVM-based protocol ) and upcoming change in the Protocol we believe that external expert opinion, feedback and expertise will be necessary.

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Hi there!
The Treasury Proposal was submitted onchain:

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CP140: Renewal Treasury Advisory Group funding has been submitted onchain as Council Motion 108.

If this motion passes, it will become Referendum 69, with a voting period of 50,400 blocks (~7 days), for all CFG token holders to vote on.

Please vote on the motion councillors.

Pre-image: 0xf2d247201f79cf738a97534cef0f49206de2df4a14f474e59e46ef0bc81191af
Hash CM: 0x3399ec5adbde4c35509b6ee68e7eab4a4f7f48a62f14989555e9594058041c27

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The Referendum 69 is now live with a voting period of 50,400 blocks (~7 days).

Please vote on: CP140: Renewal Treasury Advisory Group funding

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I just realized that I never chimed in on this forum post :man_facepalming:

I fully support TAG and its work. Looking forward to the roll out of the grant program, as well as additional educational materials. Hope to use these to introduce new people to our ecosystem and the DAO itself.

I noticed that the on-chain vote has begun based on the link @ImdioR provided below, and have already voted AYE :ballot_box:

I would urge my fellow active contributors who are part of the Centrifuge DAO to do the same.


Ryan / Phunky

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Referendum 69 for CP140 passed and the requested funds (164,590 CFG) will be paid out to the beneficiary wallet in the next spending period, which will be at block #7,459,200 (Friday 7th March).