Council Motion 24: Opening first Pool on Altair

:raising_hand_man: :gear:

The Altair council has proposed a motion for opening the first pool on Altair. You can read @Esther’s announcement here, with more information about the pool.

Note that this is a test pool - not open to the public. The purpose of the pool is to make sure that everything runs as expected, and fix any bugs that may arise, before making the pool public and eventually launching them on Centrifuge Chain.

The motion has been created with the preimage hash:

See the motion in the portal here (while it is open).

See the motion on Subscan here.

:gear: :man_running:

It will be followed by another motion to fast-track the proposal so it will be enacted shortly after the referendum vote ends.

:coin: :ballot_box:

Once the motion to fast-track the proposal has passed, the proposal will become a referendum, that all token holders can vote on, using their AIR tokens. The referendum will be open for people to vote on for 5400 blocks (~1 day with an average block time of 16 seconds).

:unlock: :arrow_right: :lock: :arrow_right: :unlock:

Remember, that you don’t lose your AIR by voting on referenda - they are just locked for the duration of the vote. After that, they will be available for transfer again. You can make your vote count for more by voting with conviction which means that you can vote with up to 6X the amount of tokens you have, by locking them for a longer period of time.


If you want to know how voting with conviction works, you can see a short explanation in this post.


Council motion 24 has passed. Council motion 25 to fast track it is now being voted on.

See Council motion 25 in the portal here (while it is open).

See Council motion 25 on Subscan here.

As soon as Council motion 25 has passed, there will be a referendum vote where all token holders can vote with their AIR.

This post will be updated as soon as the referendum vote is live.

Council motion 25 (fast track) has passed.

The vote for referendum 10 is now open for 5400 blocks (~1 day with an average block time of 16 seconds) so you can use your AIR tokens to vote on it.

You can vote here .

See the referendum on Subscan here.

Referendum 10 has successfully passed with a SimpleMajority at block 1299909.

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