A slashing event occurred in era 660 (29.01.2022):
Validator affected - CHORUS ONE
Nominators affected: 200
Total CFG: 13,475.8139 CFG
The validator was informed about slashing. Hope he could explain the slashing reason.
To confirm the incident timeline:
block height 9461658 timestamp (2022-01-28 16:20:36 (+UTC)) matches our logs where the event was triggered on “2022-01-28 16:19:45.334”.
the latest height presented in logs (after reboot) points to #9460394 block height (2022-01-28 14:11:54), so that confirms ~2h downtime
we have been trying to figure out the root cause of the slashing event and while we found the signal that triggered the slashing, the root cause is still unknown.
The server running the ChorusOne validator node became unresponsive and we had to power-cycle it. After reboot, our node came back online and reported Prevote Equivocation.
2022-01-28 14:11:54 - our node went down (we know this from log pointing to last known height #9460394)
2022-01-28 16:19:45 - our node came back online (we also know this from the logs)
In short, the validator was down between #9460394 - #9461658 block heights, for approximately 2 hours.
Investigation (so far)
After reviewing our logs, this is the only unusual entry we found:
In our setup nothing has changed, the node has been running successfully for a long time, therefore it’s possible that we hit a bug. Interestingly, almost at the same time our second node went down and came back just fine.
Taken the above information, I think it would be fair to propose a governance vote to revert the slashing (current state: “unapplied slash”).
Of course, if anyone has a better idea of what could cause the equivocation, please let us know!
Thanks @TurkValidator for proactively participating on the on chain governance. I would like to clarify that the slashing event was canceled through the Council a few weeks back. So technically that referendum open was a no-op. More information here
All the best,