RFC: CFG Liquidity Incentives on Stellaswap on Moonbeam

Although I cannot vote with my CFG on OpenSquare, I wanted to at least chime in on the discussion :ballot_box:

Initially I thought I would be a hard NO on this initiative because I did not like the idea of diluting the CFG supply by effectively printing it out of thin air. That said, as pointed out by @ogre44444, it would be a small drop in the bucket in the bigger picture.

Moreover, as @Ilhan and @Rhano point out, I believe it would be a great opportunity to get Centrifuge into the hands of other Polkadot ecosystem supporters, both in terms of broader awareness as well as the availability of the token on arguably the best dex in the entire ecosystem.

At this point, if I could vote, it would be a low conviction YES. Despite my inability to do so with my tokens on-chain, I believed it best to at least share my opinion on the forum due to my status as an active contributor :handshake:

P.S. - if this proposal does pass, I will supply a small amount of LP to the pool. Never worried about IL too much when I am a longterm investor on both tokens :muscle:

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