Poll: June 2021 Tinlake Liquidity Rewards Parameters Update

Update: On-Chain Vote Now Live

The Tinlake Liquidity Rewards Parameters Update is now live for a Council vote on Centrifuge Chain.

You can find the vote here in the Centrifuge Chain Portal.

This vote includes 2 calls:

  1. Mint 1M CFG to the Tinlake Liquidity Rewards wallet
  2. Remark on-chain the hash of the above updated Parameters on IPFS


2021-06-10 Centrifuge Tinlake Rewards Update
By casting your vote on chain, you indicate your approval of changing the Tinlake Rewards on Centrifuge as follows:

  1. Mint 1’000’000 CFG into the rewards account
  2. Lower the Liquidity Provider rewards from 0.0042 to 0.002 CFG per $ invested per day
  3. Lower the Asset Originator rewards from 0.0017 to 0.001 CFG per $ invested per day

These values will be valid until governance proceeds with another vote.


  1. Poll
  2. RFC

If approved by the Council, this proposal will be fast-tracked. This will give token holders 3 hours from the time of the fast-track to vote on this proposal.

We will post an update here when the vote is live on Centrifuge Chain.