Financing energy efficiency projects in Ukraine

I want to jump in here.

There are two key pieces to how the community is thinking about RWAs and what makes its way through the protocol.

The first is the POP - the Pool Onboarding Proposal process: Introducing the Pool Onboarding Proposal (POP) - #10

This is the process that is having success in helping the community organize, debate, and understand potential opportunities to realize our mission of bringing credit on chain.

The second is the Credit Group Poll: Formation of Credit Group – this group should be activated in 2023 as we see more POPs occur, and need to begin to put trust and leave responsibility for reporting in this group.

Ultimately, the POPs and potential RWA servicers should be able to put the community at ease by bringing a host of your own legal, underwriting, and service providers into your process to provide a well-rounded view of your opportunity and the work that has been done.