CP134: Renewal RWA Lending Market Liquidity Bootstrap

cp: 134
Title: CP134: Renewal RWA Lending Market Liquidity Bootstrap
authors: GraysonAlto
contributors: Imdior
uses-component: cp2,cp4
technical-proposal: no
requires-onchain: yes
status: passed
date-proposed: 2024-10-31
date-ended: 2024-12-02

Short Summary

Extend incentive rewards program for the RWA Lending Market on Morpho

High level objective

This proposal provides 90,000 CFG incentive rewards to be distributed as rewards for the RWA Lending Market. These rewards will last for 90 days on the LTF/verUSDC pair.


The CP103: Launch an RWA Lending Market and CP116: RWA Lending Market on Morpho were recently approved by the Centrifuge DAO.

These two proposals had a strong positive impact on increasing the liquidity of the RWA Lending Market on Morpho.

We believe that bootstrap liquidity plays a crucial role during the early stages and helps to attract new lenders in a competitive market, and allows us to consider new collateral assets to be included down the road.

Description of Activity

This proposal would cover three more months of the initiative, based on the planned amount of CFG to be supplied (1,000 CFG per day). It is important to note that lenders in the market not only earn CFG rewards, but baseline borrow interest, and MORPHO token rewards as well.

The LTF/verUSDC market has been very successful to date, attracting $3.21 million at it’s peak so far, and currently sits at $2.92 million. It’s important to continue to reward this market in the early days of its existence to grow its size, and eventually bring in more higher yielding collateral types. LTF is currently the 8th largest collateral on the Morpho deployment on Base, and has attracted mass media attention with its innovative use of Coinbase Verifications.

The market has been critical in delivering RWA yields to permissionless users in a indirect manner, especially as DeFi rates have been volatile and often below risk-free T-Bill yields.

Change or improvement

Initiate liquidity bootstrap and provide 90,000 CFG for 90 days once funds are received and deposit these rewards into the RWA Lending Market on the Morpho Rewards Distributor Contract [ 4e77t23oPrWXeNMFpjepPVP9anSwAu2CZuqh4SCve1spnTLK ].

Distribute 1,000 CFG per day as rewards across the RWA Lending Market on Morpho.

Alignment to the mission of Centrifuge DAO

By creating early liquidity incentives, we will bootstrap early participation in the market which will attract more lenders, borrowers and issuers. By capping the token rewards, we’re limiting the Centrifuge out of pocket cost, while still supporting the initiatives that will help us build key infrastructure around Centrifuge. All of this serves the purpose of helping grow the TVL of Centrifuge, and maintaining our position as the largest RWA protocol.

19-11-2024: The proposal has been submitted and merged on Github as CP134 and is now final


I’m generally okay with this, but how many tokens are Morpho contributing? Is it an equal amount?

I mostly ask because tokens that are used in this way are usually sold off into stables or other assets such as ETH. While 1000 CFG per day is not terribly high, it will increase sell pressure on the token, and one of things I often get asked the most revolves around the utility of the CFG token (hard to tell people it’s used for governance and paying fees, especially when it’s a typical investor in the crypto space).

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Hi @The_Phunky_One
1000 CFG per day.
The duration of this renewal covers 3 months or 90 days or 90000 CFG.

Two Vaults:

This proposal is now live as onchain vote as Referendum 66 and is open for a total of 50,400 blocks (~7 days). The referendum ends the 2nd December.

:ballot_box: Please vote on the referendum here: CP134: Renewal RWA Lending Market Liquidity Bootstrap

The onchain vote for Referendum 66 has passed.

The approved funds, 90,000 CFG, will be paid out to the provided wallet address at block #6,854,400 (~5th December 4.00 pm. CET).

Thank you for voting!