CP102: Deposit additional CFG into HydraDX Omnipool

Thank you for confirming. I submitted the preimage like this:

encoded call data: 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
call hash: 0x515b70543e1530cf269523853d5e3abb4c7220caa283ccd2c947fef7ef846ec9

I submitted it with preimage->note whose call data is:
and call hash: 0x9a6c27faa51e9eeb542316907e74415ef92b00cf2870bab3f373bcc92e2039c8

I submitted it in transaction: https://centrifuge.subscan.io/extrinsic/5533139-2

and in the events for that transaction you can see that the resulting preimage hash is 0x515b70543e1530cf269523853d5e3abb4c7220caa283ccd2c947fef7ef846ec9

Hello spazcoin,

Thank you for the proposal.

I am personally a frequent user of HydraDX and I really like what you have built, in fact, I supported your first proposal to Listing CFG in HydraDX Omnipool & seeding initial liquidity .

For this proposal I have a mixed opinion, because although I really like HydraDX, after reading the points of view of other contributors, I personally consider that for this early stage of the Centrifuge treasury this proposal would not align with the Treasury Spending Agreement , so I think now it would be better for the community to focus spending on proposals such as Launch an RWA Lending Market .

Despite my opinion above, if the proposal is approved, I do not see it negatively for Centrifuge as long as in the future we see a similar investment from HydraDX to Centrifuge, so that this is a win-win partnership.


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I really appreciate your responsiveness and thoroughness! Thanks for providing me with the call hash. I hereby finalize my confirmation of the legitimacy of the preimage 0x515b70543e1530cf269523853d5e3abb4c7220caa283ccd2c947fef7ef846ec9 you have already registered on chain.

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CP102 is now live as Referendum 55 for all CFG token holders to vote on.

If passed, this will approve the treasury spending of 750,000 CFG to be transferred to the Centrifuge sibling account on HydraDX chain
(7LCt6dFsJVukxnxpix9KcTkwu2kWQnXARsy6BuBHEL54NcS6) and afterwards deposited into the Omnipool.

:ballot_box: Please vote on the referendum here:

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CP102 (ref 55) passed and has now successfully executed. 750k CFG were deposited into the Omnipool in 20 chunks of 37.5k CFG.

The Centrifuge treasury now holds 1.25M CFG in the Omnipool worth $768k. Including other users, there is now over $1M of CFG in the Omnipool.

See for yourself at: https://app.hydration.net/wallet/assets?account=7LCt6dFsJVukxnxpix9KcTkwu2kWQnXARsy6BuBHEL54NcS6

You can now trade 29k CFG in a single trade before hitting 2% slippage. (previously 16k CFG)