CP102: Deposit additional CFG into HydraDX Omnipool

Here’s a working version of the second call with transaction fees in CFG:


Differences to your call:

  1. The refTime weight for the transact call was set to 5_000_000_000 instead of your configured 1_000_000_000_000_000_000, which is 200000000x higher.

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 16.46.55

The DMP (handler for downward messages from Polkadot) configuration of HydraDX is limited to 10_000_000_000 which is 2x of my above refTime. You can check this value at api.query.dmpQueue.configuration().

  1. The origin kind of the transact had to be changed from Native to SovereignAccount because the call should be from the Sibling(2031) account.
    Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 16.45.20

  2. The amount of liquidity was lowered from ~46.7k CFG to 42.0k because anything closer to the original value failed at the point of testing. I suppose pool liquidity dropped a bit. The new encoded call hash of the transact call is 0x3b020d00000000008c239bb14d19ed09000000000000.

  1. Last but not least, the recipient of the over paid transaction fees was configured incorrectly. It is now set to the Sibling(2031) account via (1, X1(Parachain(2031)) MultiLocation

Proof of success
Since I went the lazy path of wrapping everything into SUDO, there might be still be a typo even though I tripple checked everything. Unfortunately, your scheduler idea didn’t work out for me.