Council Motion 86: Register AIR and AUSD in the Asset Registry

There was in issue with the pre-image used to create Council Motion 99 (Referendum 22).


  • Register CurrencyId::Native (AIR) :white_check_mark:

  • Blank CurrencyId::AUSD (deprecated) :white_check_mark: :red_circle:

    • This worked apart from setting location to None; it just didn’t do anything
  • Register CurrencyId::ForeignAsset(2) (new AUSD id) :red_circle:

    • This failed because the location conflicted with the CurrencyId::AUSD entry
  • Register ForeignAsset(3) (KSM) :red_circle:

    • This never executed because the previous step in the batch failed; I set it as a batch and not batchAll to avoid a scenario like this but it still failed and stopped with utility.BatchInterrupted

Therefore, a new Motion has been submitted (Council Motion 100) with pre-image 0x618aabc5d8e98df5951701288881ef87544cd8821266aa2a9066c4f3455520c7

  • Batch (0x618aabc5d8e98df5951701288881ef87544cd8821266aa2a9066c4f3455520c7)

    1. Set CurrencyId::AUSD ’s location to X2(OnlyChild, GeneralIndex(200081) This is an “invalid” multilocation. This structure was chosen because it’s quite symbolic, i.e, “relative to Altair, it’s a child (asset) left alone and with the index 200081 which is the original parachain id (2000) + the original asset general key (0x0081). Again, this means nothing really, but it’s a value that will serve the purpose of flagging this asset as abandoned and will allow us to register the new entry for AUSD with the correct multilocation.
    2. Register CurrencyId::ForeignAsset(2) (new AUSD id)
    3. Register ForeignAsset(3) (KSM)
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