Haha @davidbentzon you are certainly not a troll and I appreciate what you are bringing up. I would also add as @Rhano mentioned, I am also not a financial expert.
From my perspective it comes down to cost of capital and providing a space to allow for scalability. With a fund like Percent investors know what is shown to them, with our end goal of transparency, we are working towards a future where investors can be more involved and educated regarding their investments thus leading to a scalable source of capital as more investors join in for Issuers.
An Issuers main focus is reducing cost of capital but also ensuring they have multiple reliable sources of capital that can grow with them as they scale. I would not suggest a Issuer rely on a single source as this can prevent growth.
So to answer why blockchain- blockchain benefits the investor by providing clarity and a trust-less system for investments. This growing source of capital can then be utilized by Issuers while reducing the middle man cost.
Regarding the process, we have a Proposal system that a potential Issuer would go through with the inclusion of the community for making the decision whether a pool launches. It is not a simple click and you are in, instead it is a rather lengthy process to help find the right issuers. You can view the current POP process here but we are always learning and tinkering to make it more efficient and effective.