Hi guys I got into crypto the end of 2017 started mining after the crash. Ive been Mining hard since them my modest little farm is about 3 GH
Taking mining to the next level
With new equipment Avado i7 to start running my own staking nodes as well as test nets for smaller projects.
I’m full time crypto miner and investor I have a double major degree in business and finance. I have a crypto only financial services start up im excited about now called
Crypto Capital Group which is going to be based in Grand Caymon islands with offices in Tampa FL for state side clients. I’m super excited about it!! We only deal in crypto and all employees are paid in crypto no dollars here!!!
I spend my time pretty much all of it researching crypto project, testing out defi plat forms and new projects with my crypto to test drive projects before I turn people on to them.
I’m a true believer in bitcoin and the core principles of crypto as a whole and it’s litterally changed my life!!
To the point I only keep a small amount of dollar currency to cover bills untill crypto adoption gets more main stream.