RFC: Tinlake CFG rewards adjustment

Then why do we have 2 tokens DROP and TIN, if the rewards are the same. Maybe 1 token is enough, only time commitment would increase rewards for investors

Confusion arises from conflation of “rewards” with “APY.” Rewards refers to the CFG tokens that TIN and DROP holders collect - not the interest earned on the token holders’ investments in the pool.

The wording of Poll 1 is itself confusing: “Change current rewards so TIN equals DROP.” What’s actually meant is “Change current CFG reward rate so it’s the same for TIN and DROP.”


Ah, now I see, we are talking about cfg rewards only. Now, it is clear

Thank you for clarifying that @zaatar!

Maybe it would be a good idea to specify this in the poll post too - just to eliminate any confusion for people voting.

To make proper and meaningful governance possible, proposals (and RFCs) should be vetted for coherence and language. It’s difficult to form an opinion on a proposal if the reasoning behind it - to say nothing of the proposal (or RFC) itself - is unclear.

The same applies to follow-up comments. If these contain errors, as happens from time to time, it’s hard for anyone following the conversation to grasp their meaning and the nuances. In such cases, the follow-up comments may not have their desired impact.

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Requests for Comments and Proposals need to be copy edited. And just like “Letters to the Editor” in any newspaper, so too the comments. At a minimum spelling and grammar mistakes need to be fixed. BTW, this does not infringe on “decentralization.” On the contrary, by making discussion intelligible, it promotes it.

I couldn’t agree with you more that proposals (RFC’s) and polls should be coherent and unambiguous so there is no confusion as to what they entail.

However, this is not going to be easy to enforce as anyone from the community can post an RFC/poll.

If confusion arises after reading an RFC/poll, the best way (for now) would be to make the author of the post aware of this, so it can be clarified in the post, in my opinion.


Rhano, I am going to create a new topic under “Centrifuge Governance” to pick up this thread as that’s the appropriate place for it - versus its being an afterthought here.

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